Since when did a routine "Go Around" become a 'scare'?
SpiceJet in a statement said "the approach unstabilized in the last 200 feet and the pilot decided to do a go around".
A 'Go-around' is when the pilot of a landing aircraft decided to abort the procedure and 'go around' back to the beginning of the approach procedure, somewhat like a speed bowler in Cricket who aborts his delivery mid-way for some reason and goes back to his starting position start his bowling run-up! At a busy airport like Hyderabad, this might mean circling a bit while awaiting their turn in a queue for landing.
Go-arounds are a regular phenomenon at busy airports. This poorly researched article which hinges on the opinion of a passenger wrongly portrays the incident as though it was a major catastrophe averted!!
C'mon The Times of India, lets not sensationalise such matters for the sake of eyeballs.